Music of colors: Bouquet with hydrangea, rose, eustoma and astilbe
This bouquet is like a melody in itself, full of harmony, contrasts and exciting beauty. The combination of four different but complementary flowers creates a unique composition that dazzles with colors and textures.
Hydrangea: Available in shades of blue, purple, pink and white, hydrangeas add volume and drama to a bouquet. Its large, rich flowers symbolize gratitude and cordiality.
Rose: A symbol of love and romance, the rose brings elegance and classic beauty to the bouquet. The chosen color of the rose can affect the overall tone of the bouquet. A red rose will emphasize the romantic character, while pink or white will bring a softer and more tender touch.
Eustoma: Delicate eustoma flowers with velvety petals add lightness and airiness to the bouquet. They symbolize gratitude and happiness, and their romantic appearance perfectly complements roses.
Astilbe: Fluffy spikes of astilbe, also known as bellflower, add a romantic touch to a bouquet, and the delicate pink, purple or white hues of the flowers create a beautiful contrast with other flowers. Astilbe symbolizes perseverance and devotion.
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